Class offerings by Lakshmi

Click on the title to inquire about scheduling a series or course for your organization, group, or yoga teacher training.

6 Week Chakra Series

This is a 6 week session available to organizations or groups of 6 or more. Each week focuses on a particular chakra. Classes are 1 hour long.

Class 1: Muladhara: The root chakra. Focus is on feet, legs, lower back, grounding and releasing.

Class 2: Svadhisthana: The sacral chakra. Focus is on hip opening and strengthening and flow.

Class 3: Manipura: The solar plexus chakra. Focus is on core strength and heat building practices.

Class 4: Anahata: The heart chakra. Focus is on chest and shoulder opening, on backbends and forward bends and connection.

Class 5: Vishuddha: The throat chakra. Focus is on neck and shoulders, thyroid health, and using our voice.

Class 6: Ajna and Sahasrara: The 3rd eye and crown chakras. In this class, we practice trataka (eye yoga), gentle inversions, and yoga nidra (guided meditation).

Panchabhuta (5 elements) series

In this series of 5 classes, we explore through yoga practice, the 5 elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether) which are the foundations of Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine. Classes are 1 hour long.

Sun Salutation and Pranayama series

In this series of 4 classes, you will learn the foundations for a home yoga practice. Classes are 1 hour long.

Kids Yoga

Yoga classes or camps that can be adapted for any age group. Classes include, breathwork, asana, games, character building stories, meditation, and essential attention and focus building skills. Classes can be anywhere from 20 min.-2 hours, depending upon need. Lakshmi taught weekly 30 min sessions to the entire 3rd grade at her son’s school, Centennial Academy of Fine Arts, has taught for the Red Earth yoga program for Indigenous youth through Spirit of the Sun and 4 Winds American Indian Council and has taught summer yoga camps for kids for several years.

Prenatal Yoga for Women of Color and Henna

A 6 week prenatal yoga program culminating in a day of henna and celebration of you and your beautiful baby belly. Minimum of 5 participants.

Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Available to counselors and therapists who are interested in offering Trauma Sensitive Yoga groups to their clients. 8 week sessions. Lakshmi has been teaching Trauma Sensitive Yoga therapy groups since 2013 for Center for Trauma and Resilience in Denver and 3 Little Birds Counseling and Wellness in Littleton.

Healing Centered Yoga Series

Available to groups who would like to offer trauma informed, healing and resilience centered yoga classes to their communities. 4-8 week sessions

Advanced courses

Available to 200 and 300 hour yoga teacher trainings or to interested study groups

Sanskrit for yoga teachers

Do you want to learn to pronounce Sanskrit better? A one day introduction to the principles of correct Sanskrit pronunciation with mantra practice. Appropriate for a 200 hour teacher training.

or Advanced: A 10 week module, focusing on correct pronunciation, learning to read and write the devanagari script, basic vocabulary, and recitation of mantras. Appropriate for a 300 hour teacher training or interested study groups of 4 or more.

Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita

This 8 week module begins with an abridged reading of the Mahabharata which provides the necessary background context for understanding the Bhagavad Gita, one of the essential texts of yoga. Appropriate for a 300 hour teacher training or interested study groups of 4 more.

Tantra and the Dasha Mahavidyas

In this 10 week module, we meditate on the lessons of the 10 Tantric Goddesses, known as the Mahavidyas. Appropriate for a 300 hour teacher training or interested groups of 4 or more.

Ayurvedic cooking class

In this class, I bring the principles of balancing your diet with food and spices to your own kitchen.

Private Instruction tailored to your individual needs

In your home or mine. I have space for 3 students in my home. This includes a personal consultation to tailor a yoga practice for your unique physical, mental, and spiritual needs/desires/concerns.

Other offerings

Henna as Shakti Prasadam

I am a henna artist with 20 years of experience. I prepare my henna as an offering to Shakti, the Divine Feminine principle with ritual and intention for the liberation of all sisters. My henna is mixed with Manjishta, an Ayurvedic blood purifying herb, especially dear to women and it listens to mantras of the Goddesses as it cures. The henna is Shakti prasadam, the blessed leftovers of my offering to the Goddess in all Her manifestations.


I paint murals. Mostly mandalas. Check out my murals here.

Bollywood dance lessons

4 week series, at the end of which you will learn a full Bollywood dance. Optional performance for friends and family.

Bollywood kids camp

One week summer camp. 2.5 hours a day. One hour of bollywood dance lesson, followed by an art project and we watch a kid-friendly Bollywood movie over the course of the week. A great cultural experience!

Bollywood party package with bollywood dance lesson plus henna

2 hour package. One hour dance lesson followed by one hour of henna.